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sábado, 4 de junio de 2016

48a ACH Conferencia Anual .PROGRAMA DE LA CONFERENCIA La Habana, Cuba, 2016

DOMINGO, Junio 5:     
Delegados llegan y registro de la conferencia de 1:30-2:30 pm.
Bienvenidos a la Conferencia
Panel #1: Crossing Lines through Cultural Exchange
Presider: Anju Reejhsinghani, University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point
Danay Ramos Ruiz, Universidad de la Habana, Cuba, “Las incitativas culturales de los inmigrantes de las Antillas hispanas en los Estados Unidos durante la década sesenta”
Ernesto Dominguez Lopez, Universidad de la Habana, Cuba, “Los Cubanos del Norte: Migración, política y la comunidad cubana en Estados Unidos”
Rodney Worrell, University of the West Indies, Cave Hill, “Cricket and Pan-African Protest in Barbados, 1966-92”
Antonio Sotomayor, University of Illinois, “Caribbean Soccer: Hispanoamericanismo and Silencing Fútbol in Puerto Rico, 1898-1920s”
Panel #2: Between Black and White
Presider: Craig Koslofsky, University of Illinois
Christine Walker, Texas Tech University, “Born Again: Baptized Out of Slavery in Colonial Jamaica”
Jessica Pierre-Louis, Université des Antilles et de la Guyane AIHP/ GEODE,  “Wealth and Racial Categorization of the Free people of Color in Martinique in the Eighteenth Century”
Maria Cecilia Ulrickson, University of Notre Dame, “From Tenant to Vagrant: The Criminalization of Free People of Color in late-colonial Santo Domingo”
Rana Hogarth, University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, “To ‘excite the curiosity, and gratify the beholder’: Race, Place, and ‘Piebalds’ in the Eighteenth-Century Atlantic”
Daniel Livesay, Claremont McKenna College, “Mixed Race Migrants to Britain and Jamaica’s Transition to Freedom”

LUNES, Junio 6:

Poster Session A: The Politics of Identity
Sally Delgado, University of Puerto Rico, “Caribbean Social Order and the Cultural Heritage of a Shared Maritime History”
Maria de la Caridad Smith Batson, Universidad de las Tunas, "Pepito Tey, “La inclusión de elementos del Caribe inglés en el curriculo de la carrera Lenguas Extranjeras”
Dexnell Peters, Johns Hopkins University, “An Interconnected and Polyglot World: Trinidad and Demerara in the Revolutionary Era”
Allison Madar, California State University, Chico, and Casey Schmitt, College of William and Mary, “‘Christian Servants, or Negro Slaves’: The 1661 Servant and Slave Acts of Barbados”
Gorica Majstorovic, Stockton University, “An American Utopia: Pedro Henriquez Urena’s ‘Notas de viaje (A Cuba)’ and Ricardo Guiraldes’ ‘Xaimaca’”
Panel #3: The Transition between Slavery and Freedom
Présider: Jane Landers, Vanderbilt University
Randy Browne, Xavier University, “Slave Drivers in Nineteenth-Century British Guiana and Cuba”
Kit Candlin, University of Newcastle, “Crime on the Edge of Freedom: A Grenadian Slave called José and his owner Judith Philip”
Jeffrey Kerr-Ritchie, Howard University, “Freedom’s Bondage: Against the Whig Interpretation of Emancipation”
Alain El Youssef, Universidade de São Paulo, “Abolicionismo hispano-cubano y la crisis de la escavitud en Bresil: Ley Moret (1870) y Ley del Vientre Libre (1871)”
Pausa   (Poster Session A continúan)
Panel #4: Cuba y el Caribe: historias e historiografías
Presider: Sergio Guerra Villaboy, Universidad de La Habana
Rolando Álvarez, Instituto Cubano de Radio y Televisión, “Cuba en el Caribe y el Caribe en Cuba: las migraciones de antillanos en las primeras décadas del siglo XX”
Wilfredo Padrón, Universidad de Pinar del Río, “Francisco de Miranda y el Caribe Insular: a propósito del 210 aniversario de su expedición libertadora y el bicentenario de su muerte”
Rene Villaboy, Universidad de La Habana, “Las Revoluciones en el Caribe: estudios desde la historiografía cubana”
Arturo Sorhegui, Universidad de La Habana, “Dificultades para el mejor conocimiento de la historia caribeña presente en la pérdida de su complementariedad económica comercial a fines del XIX y durante el siglo XX”
Hora de Comer
Panel #5: Struggles for Freedom
Presider: Roderick McDonald, Rider University
Marjoleine Kars, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, “A War within a War: Ethnic Conflict in the 1763 Berbice Slave Rebellion”
Bridget Brereton, University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, “Morant Bay and Trinidad”
Gad Heuman, Warwick University, “Gender and Protest at Morant Bay and in the Post-Emancipation Caribbean”
Swithin Wilmot, University of the West Indies, Mona, “George William Gordon and Black Politics in Free Jamaica”
Panel #6: Maritime Movements
Presider: Henderson Carter, University of the West Indies, Cave Hill
Mary Draper, University of Virginia, “Forging and Maintaining the Maritime Hinterlands of Barbados and Jamaica”
Elena Schneider, University of California, Berkeley, “African Diaspora during European War: The British Siege and Occupation of Havana (1762-3)”
Jessica Roitman, Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast and Caribbean Studies, “Land of Hope and Dreams: Slavery and Abolition on the Dutch Leeward Islands”
James Alexander Dun, Princeton University, “A Revolution Unthought: Commerce, News and the Making of the Haitian Revolution in Early America”

MARTES, Junio 7:

Poster Session B: War, Peace, and Propaganda
Ligia Domenech, Northern Essex Community College, “Surviving the WWII German U-Boat Blockade of the Caribbean”
Marc McLeod, Seattle University, “Images of War and Empire: 1898 in Motion Pictures”
Vladimir Guitérrez Gómez, University Carlos Rafael Rodriguez, “Daily Villareño in the First Year of Revolution: Its particularities and changes (1958-59)”
Yvette Haughton, University of the West Indies, Mona, “Diseases and Disasters: The Plight of the Banana in Eastern Jamaica”
Panel #7: The Illicit Caribbean
Presider: Tiffany Patterson, Vanderbilt University
David Wheat, Michigan State University, “A Sixteenth-Century Slaving Hub: São Tomé and the Spanish Caribbean”
Gabriel de Avilez Rocha, New York University, “Azorean-Caribbean Connections in the Late Sixteenth Century”
April Hatfield, Texas A&M University, “English Pirates’ Illegal Slave Trading, as Described in Spanish Sanctuary Records”
Gregory O’Malley, University of Santa Cruz, “Intra-Caribbean Slave Smuggling and Tangled Lines of Migration in the African Diaspora”
Dave Gosse, University of the West Indies, Mona, “Abolition and the Illegal Slave Trade between Jamaica and Cuba, 1807-1833”
Pausa   (Poster Session B continúan)
Panel #8: Las Antillas salvarán el mundo. El Caribe en la estrategia de José Martí para el equilibrio de América y del mundo. Un proyecto político y cultural
Présider: Ana Sánchez Collazo, Directora, Centro de Estudios Martianos
José Antonio Bedia, Centro de Estudio Martianos, “Rumbos del antillanismo martiano. Identidad y trascendencia” 

Ibrahim Hidalgo, Centro de Estudio Martianos, “La hermandad cultural de las Antillas en el proyecto emancipador martiano” 

Rodolfo Sarracino, Centro de Estudio Martianos, “Las Antillas en el proyecto martiano del equilibrio internacional” 

Pedro Pablo Rodríguez, Centro de Estudio Martianos, “La república martiana en el porvenir de las Antillas”

Hora de Comer
Panel #9: Caribbean Commodities and Industries
Presider: Kathleen Monteith, University of the West Indies, Mona
Kevin McDonald, Loyola Marymount University, “‘Sailors of the Woods’: Logwood and the Spectrum of Piracy”
Jordan Smith, Georgetown University, “‘Essential in the Still House’: Valuing Enslaved Expertise in the Caribbean Rum Complex”
David Singerman, Harvard Business School, “The Limits of Control in the Ingenio Central, 1860-1935”
Oscar Zanetti-Lecuona, Instituto de Historia de Cuba, “The State and Sugar Economies in the Spanish Antilles”
Panel #10: Labor and Migration during the Early Twentieth Century
Presider: Rosemarijn Hoefte, KITLV
Rose Mary Allen, University of Curaçao, “Making Freedom: The Female Face of Twentieth-Century Labor Migration from the English-speaking Caribbean to Curaçao”
Margriet Fokken, University of Groningen, “The Sight of Jhandi and Taziyas: Place-making Practices of Hindustani Immigrants in Suriname between 1873 and 1921 in Comparative Perspective” 

Anasa Hicks, New York University, “Speaking of Cities: Domestic Service and Oral History in Post-War Eastern Cuba”

Janette Gayle, Hobart and William Smith Colleges, “West Indian and African American Dressmakers: Migration, the Politics of Sartorial Style, and Black Claims to Citizenship in Early Twentieth-Century New York”


Poster Session C: Caribbean Popular Culture
Melissa Noventa, “Performance and Politics: Afro-Cuban Folklore in Contemporary Cuba”
R. D. Ralston, University of Wisconsin, “Aesthetics of a Revolution: Politics of the Street as seen in Contemporary Popular Culture”
Sarah Smith Waters, Ohio Northern University and Robert Anthony Waters, Jr., Ohio Northern University, “Uplift the Race, Uplift the Nation? The Guyanese Musical Vision of Lord Canary” 
Mark Gleason and Michael Scantlebury, Grand Valley State University, “Using Marine Technology to Explore Maritime History: A Case from Lake Michigan with Application in Cuba – the USS Maine”
Panel #11: Ripples of the Cuban Revolution
Presider: Marcia Burrowes, University of the West Indies, Cave Hill
Jean-Pierre Sainton, Université des Antilles, Guadeloupe and Gilbert Pago, Institut Universitaire de Formation des Maitres de la Martinique (IUFM), “La réception de la révolution cubaine en Martinique et en Guadeloupe  (1959-1968)”
Sylvain Mary, Université Paris-Sorbonne, “The Cuban Revolution and the French West Indies in the context of Franco-Cuban Relations during the Cold War”
Rolande Bosphore Perou, Universite des Antilles, Martinique, “Les tentatives de transposition du message revolutionnaire cubain aux Antilles”
Takkara Brunson, University of Pennsylvania, “Mapping Black Women’s Mobility in Havana before the Cuban Revolution”
Devyn Spence Benson, Louisiana State University, “Writing Cuba’s Revolution into Caribbean Nationalism: Walterio Carbonell Meets Aimé Césaire”
Pausa (Poster Session C continúan)
Panel #12: Africa’s Reach
Presider:   Laura Rosanne Adderley, Tulane University
Kofi Boukman Barima, Jackson State University, “Cutting Across Space and Time: Obeah’s Service to Afro-Jamaica’s Freedom Struggle in Slavery and Emancipation, 1824-1865”
Myles Osborne, University of Colorado, “‘Mau Mau are Angels… Sent by Haile Selassie’: Reading a Kenyan Guerrilla War in the 1950s Caribbean”
Jean-Pierre Bat, Archives Nationales, “Le souffle afro-cubain : Cuba, Brazzaville et la Révolution en Afrique Atlantique (1959-1977)”
Rachel Rubin, University of Massachusetts, “‘People’s Friendship’ in the Cold War: Caribbean Nations and Moscow’s Patrice Lumumba Friendship University”
Panel #13: Caribbean Heritage and Heritage Tourism
Presider: Heather Cateau, University of the West Indies, St. Augustine
John Hogue, Bard Early College, “Planning for Paradise: The Anglo-American Caribbean Commission’s Tourism Survey and Tourism Development (1943-46)”
Arnaldo Codero-Roman, Stockton University, ““Imájenes Disen/Imágenes dicen (Images Say…)”
Orlando Deavila Petruz, University of Connecticut, “Heritage Tourism and Popular Politics in Cartagena, Colombia”
Allison Ramsay, University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, “The Square, the Compass and Caribbean Heritage: Perspectives from Barbados”
Celia Naylor, Barnard College, “The White Witch and Enslaved Ghosts of Rose Hall: Reinscribing Slavery in Contemporary Tours at Rose Hall Great House, Jamaica”
In the tradition of the Association of Caribbean Historians Conference, Wednesday afternoon is left unscheduled to allow participants the opportunity to explore the historic sites and cultural opportunities of Havana. 

JUEVES, Junio 9:

Poster Session D: The Digital Caribbean
Melissa Espino, Patrick Reakes and Brian Keith, University of Florida, “Digitizing Historic Caribbean Newspapers: A Look at the Florida and Puerto Rico Digital Newspaper Project”
Alissandra Cummins and Tara Inniss, University of the West Indies, Cave Hill, “Reaching Across Seas: Opportunities and Challenges in Research Collaboration in the Digital Caribbean: The Caribbean Slave Route Digital Documentation and Education Project”
Jean-Pierre Le Glaumec and Léon Robichaud, Université de Sherbrooke, “Marronnage in the Caribbean World (1760-1848): Sources and Life Trajectories”
David LaFevor, University of Texas at Arlington, “Digital Preservation in the Siete Villas of Cuba: Goals and Challenges of Digital Humanities”
Panel #14:  Environmental Transformations
Presider: Kristen Block, University of Tennessee
Matthew Mulcahy, Loyola University and Stuart Schwartz, Yale University, “Nature’s Battalions: Insects as Agricultural Pests in the Early Modern Caribbean”
Allyson Poska, University of Mary Washington, “Race, Slavery and Health in the Royal Expedition to bring Smallpox Vaccination to the Spanish Empire, 1803-1806”
José Sola, Cleveland State University, “‘Killing the Perfect Beast’: The Eradication of Malaria in Puerto Rico’s Sugar Fields, 1910-45”
Pausa (Poster Session D continúan)
Panel #15: “El Estudio del Tráfico de Esclavos en el Contexto de las Nuevas Tecnologías Digitales”
Présider: María del Carmen Barcia Zequeira, Universidad de la Habana
David Eltis, Emory University, “The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database: New Developments and Implications for the Study of the Slave Trade”
Henry Lovejoy, Michigan State University, “The Liberated Africans Project”
Walter Hawthorne, Dean Rehberger, and Ethan Watrall, Michigan State University, “Slave Biographies: The Atlantic Slave Database Network Project”
Jorge Felipe, Andrew Barsom, Michigan State University, “Baptism Record Database for Slave Societies”
Hora de Comer
Panel #16: Caribbean Identities
Présider: Jonathan Dalby, University of the West Indies, Mona
Haens Beltran Alonso and Jency Mendoza Otero, Universidad de Cienfuegos, “Influencia de la masonería en la conformación de una identidad caribeña”  
Margo Groenewoud, University of Curaçao,  “‘And Children You Remain’: Democracy and Belonging in Mid-20th Century Curaçao”
Ronald Williams, University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, “The Quest and Struggle for Freedom: A Case Study of the Grenada Revolution”
Myra Ann Houser, Ouachita Baptist University, “Facilitating the Revolution: Cuba Between Central America and Southern Africa, 1980s”
Bienvenidos a la Conferencia
Cena y Fiesta

VIERNES, Junio 10: 

Excursión (véase la descripción en “Local Field Trip” de este el sitio de web, http://www.associationofcaribbeanhistorians.org/fieldtrip.htm
Michelle Craig McDonald, Secretary-Treasurer, Association of Caribbean Historians: achsecretary@gmail.com.

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